• "This is your world and here is an opportunity to understand it better, to question it, to change it, to make it better."                            - Doug Knick, DREAM Technical Academy Founder and Advisor

    You Belong Here!

    Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the curricular core of DREAM. With PBL, students are in the driver's seat and literally design their own education as they brainstorm, create, and execute independent, student-initiated projects. With guidance from advisors, PBL allows students to engage deeply in their studies while learning independence and self-direction.

    Students design learning experiences based on their own unique interests and passions.  The freedom and flexibility students experience during this process encourages them to be self-motivated, independent thinkers who are capable of solving problems, thinking critically, and who are prepared for life.

    The most distinctive feature of DREAM is the lack of traditional classes and grade levels. Instead of giving students a class schedule to follow throughout the day, students are assigned to multi-age “advisories”. The advisor to student ratio is approximately 1 to 18. These low numbers allow for advisors to really get to know their students and help them to develop their own learning plans, incorporating individual and group projects.

    The Benefits of Project-Based Learning

    An extensive study of more than 2,500 alumni at Worcester Polytechnic Institute has confirmed that there are lifelong professional and personal benefits of experiential, hands-on learning through project work.

    Connecting academic situations to the real world is one of the largest benefits of project based learning. Students learn with the same approach they will eventually use in their hobbies, passions, and careers. This ingrains essential problem-solving techniques within them early on, drastically increasing their chances of success in whatever career they choose once their education has been completed.

    Still Not Sure?

    That's OK! Schedule a visit with us to see what we're all about!