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Health and Safety






Mental Health

TAM's goal for all students, parents, caregivers, staff, and community members feel valued, welcomed, and physically, psychologically, and emotionally safe. 

Lead Testing

The Technical Academies of Minnesota are committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for employees and students. Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving Kindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in water in potable water sources (water for consumption) every 5 years.  The EPA has recommended that schools take remedial action to address lead-in-water exposure whenever lead levels exceed 20 parts per billion (ppb).


When lead content exceeds 20 ppb, fixtures are taken out of service until the lead content can be reduced to 20 ppb or lower. A lead-in-water concentration of 20 ppb (maximum) or less is considered acceptable by the EPA.  Potable water outlets found to have greater than this concentration will be replaced, removed or filtered.


Below are the most current test results for each school.  New testing results will be added as they become available.


Please contact with any questions.


DREAM Technical Academy

Click here for the 2023 results